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Articles on business innovation and digital transformation

Articles on business innovation and digital transformation

Reading Time: < 1 minutes
CMS&DXPDigital MarketingDigital TransformationUncategorizedWP VIP
When Should You Update or Switch Your CMS or DXP?
Reading Time: 3 minutes We explore when it’s time to update or switch your CMS or DXP, the key signs to watch for, and how to plan an effective migration without setbacks.
BlogCMS&DXPDigital MarketingWP VIP
CMS and DXP in 2025: What Marketing and IT Leaders Need to Know
Reading Time: 2 minutes A comprehensive look at the most important CMS and DXP trends for 2025, including AI-driven personalization, headless CMS flexibility, and green technologies.
CMS&DXPDigital MarketingDigital TransformationWP VIP
How WordPress VIP and Adobe Franklin Transform Digital Marketing Strategies
Reading Time: 2 minutes Learn how enterprise platforms like WordPress VIP and Adobe Franklin reshape digital marketing with innovative tools for personalization and scalability.
CMS&DXPDigital TransformationWP VIP
The Role of Sustainable Technology in CMS and DXP for Responsible Businesses
Reading Time: 3 minutes CMS and DXP platforms are key to sustainable tech strategies. Learn how innovations like green hosting and Memcached optimize energy use, aligned with COP29 goals.