8 digital transformation examples: books that have most inspired experts
8 digital transformation examples: books that have most inspired experts
The experts in digital transformation share with Quodem the digital transformation examples to implement digital strategies:
1. “I remember a speech by someone who studied in Silicon Valley, at the Singularity University, where they told us very interesting things about where we are headed in the future, such as self-driving cars and 3.0″. Gregorio Morales, Sales Force Training Manager at Celgene.
2 “Know Mads, by Raquel Roca, is a book that I recommend because it tries to help us change our mentality so that it does not become obsolete and to go one step further”, Cristina González, Commercial Trainer at AstraZeneca.
3. “Jobs, the book about the life of Steve Jobs. I have chosen him as a digital transformation examples of how things in the information society that used to be a luxury item used by very few people have become essential and common in our daily lives. For me, Steve Jobs is part of that group of visionaries who could see it before the rest of us, and thanks to them we are where we are.” Fernando Martínez, Commercial Trainer at AstraZeneca.
Digital transformation books:
4.”I would recommend two books: Marketing 4.0 by Philip Kotler and Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. Harari is an expert in human transformation and evolution who said that electricity did not come from the transformation of candles, but rather was a new concept. The creation of new concepts represents how things can be done differently to achieve that transformation.” Antonio Borregón, Associate Vice-President of Marketing at MSD.
5. “I follow the Startups that are now on everyone’s lips and that are trying to change the world; those that teach us how to imagine the future. Ideas may be very well written on a website, in a book, etc., but in the business world what really matters is ideas being implemented”. Pedro Galván, Communicator and Trainer in Marketing, Communication and Digital Strategy.
6. “The book The Inevitable, by Kevin Kelly, provides a very general and interesting vision of what new technologies will be able to do for us.” Doctor Carlos Melero, Consultant at the Research Institute (i + 12) Hospital Universitario 12 de Ocubre.
More digital transformation examples books:
7. “I read international magazines such as Fast Company and Wire. In addition, since I’m not a technical expert I like more social publications such as The Square and the Tower by Nial Ferguson, a book that reflects on the evolution of networks from a social viewpoint and allows you to understand a little where all this is going. ” Máximo Gómez, Managing Director at Johnson & Johnson Vision Iberia.
8. “Although my two books are not strictly about digital transformation examples, they really help with understanding how we must tackle the change that it involves. First, we have Mindset, by Carol Dweck, which addresses how a growth mentality is essential to adapt to the continuous change we are experiencing. Second, we have The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey, which is a classic and essential reading for today’s professional”. Rafael Palomino, Executive Director at Quodem.
9. José Luis and Aurora are two of our followers on LinkedIn who have shared their recommendations. José Luis suggests In Defense of the Enlightenment by Steven Pinker, “a positive approach to the human race through enlightenment, science, humanism and reason.” For her part, Aurora tells us about Liderar sin perder tu identidad, by Javier Moreno Zabala, “an interesting approach to executive leadership in the 4.0 world”.
Would you like to tell us about a book, blog or any other source that has inspired you? What do you think about these sources of information about the digital transformation of the society in which we live? Discover how the digital transformation strategy does not understand serendipity