5 digital solutions promoted during the coronavirus

Digital solutions in coronavirus


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5 digital solutions promoted during the coronavirus

Covid19 has given rise to a new scenario that limits many of the things that could be done in person before the pandemic, promoting the use of digital services in companies and workers that are favouring the growth of digitisation projects and process transformation in many companies.

The confinement measures taken to control the health crisis will have an economic impact that is being compared to that of the Great Recession (2008 – 2013), a period during which, however, great companies emerged that revolutionised the way we travel, communicate and live: WhatsApp, Instagram, Uber, Airbnb…

Technological solutions that will be extended into the post Covid19 era

Among the digital products that are currently emerging, there are some that are direct short-term responses to the coronavirus crisis, so their use is expected to return to normal when the pandemic passes. But there are others that will be extended into the post-Covid19 era to respond to new trends, habits and behaviours.

Quodem, an international digital solutions and business development company specialised in the health sector, has collated part of these most demanded digital solutions during the first half of 2020 and which will be part of that post-Covid19 era:

1. Online conferences: through a streaming tool, it is possible to create virtual conferences to guarantee the continuity of the business and the calendar from a digital space.

2. Online training platforms:the adaptation of teleworking as a measure against the spread of the coronavirus has led many companies to opt for digital elearning platforms to continue with their annual training plan.

3. Digital signing of documents:nowadays companies manage a large volume of documents which due to the current situation cannot be signed in person. Hence the growing interest in the digital signing of documents solution which makes it possible to sign sales contracts, employment contracts, medical consent forms, etc. on any device anywhere with legal validity.

4. Electronic voting platform:legally recognised for holding elections with all the guarantees for conducting any type of online voting(union elections, boards of directors, etc.), enabling, in addition to direct, free and secret voting in a secure and confidential environment, increased participation in the processes compared to traditional electoral methods.

5. Internal social network:Covid19 has shown the importance of internal communication within companies to keep employees informed and motivated. An internal social network is a social environment that serves as a corporate communication tool to unify the interests of employees in an exclusive social network.

Wave of innovation

Innovation, as the Great Recession showed, stands out in times of instability. Firstly, due to the emergency and need, such as healthcare equipment in the form of respirators, fans and masks that companies and individuals are creating to deal with the coronavirus. And secondly, because this global pandemic will drive a great wave of innovation to respond to a new world.

In the words of José María Prian, Sales Director of Quodem, “Covid19 has been a driving force behind teleworking, online food purchases and telemedicine; advances that were already here before the coronavirus”. But if we stick to pure and simple innovation, this is where we have to take advantage of the above-mentioned opportunities arising from exceptional situations and, added Prian, “turn a digitisation that has been done at high speed due to an emergency situation, into a planned process with a continuous commitment to innovation”.

He also pointed out the importance of people in the process of adapting to the new remote processes being implemented: “this pandemic has undoubtedly provided an impetus, but the effort of workers and employers to adapt to new digital tools to continue with their usual tasks, is proving vital and augers well for the upcoming change processes ahead”.