LCMS platform for corporate training for corporate training
At Quodem, we put online training solutions at your fingertips through LCMS platforms that are accessible using any device, with full customisation and integration with external systems such as content management systems or other LMSs.
LCMS skills assessment platform
This e-learning platform is ideal for corporate skills assessment, for different areas of work or professional activities that you want to assess. Perfect for talent spotting or other training needs of participants. It includes all kinds of training material (PowerPoint, multimedia, PDF, Flash, HTML, videos) for each of the courses that are taught. Your company can access this through access control with the integration of user registration and single sign on, which ensures security and privacy for users.
At the end of each course, an exam will be held to assess the knowledge acquired and obtain the respective qualification. The LMS platform generates a report of results and statistics for each user, training process and skills evaluation that your company can assess for decision making.
LCMS, the Quodem e-learning platform
At Quodem, we have developed our own training solution, combining 3 distinguishing concepts in a single platform:
CMS Document management
LMS Training
Game Gamification
The result is LCMS, a fully configurable platform to adapt to your business. It main features are:
Web application, accessible from any marketplace.
Collaboration amongst students.
Changeable modules for business processes.
Multilanguage and multidevice.
User management.
Microsoft technology and standards.
Cloud infrastructure (Azure).
Gamified platform.
Discussion forum.
Advantages of using the Quodem platform
With the Quodem LCMS platform , solutions, you will have many more advantages than with other standard ones.
Active learning
Students are responsible for their learning by their own initiative.
Students decide when they dedicate time to their training, although there is the possibility of limiting the hours of use of the tool.
Customised monitoring
Although it is the students themselves who set their learning pace, you can establish rules and reminders to motivate the use and completion of the training in a given time.
Content update
The training contents are easily updated and in a context of new technologies, with numerous changes and updates to existing tools. They are seen as a fundamental requirement.
Consultation tool
The learning platform is an information repository that students can search or use to refresh data.
It can be expanded to more students and courses in a fast, easy and affordable way.
Unlimited resources
The use of the SCORM standard for the training content of the platform makes it contain many more resources than other LMS platforms, and therefore the scope can be extended to other future initiatives of your company: soft-skills, equality initiatives and risk prevention.
From the platform administration area, you can set up and download many reports on the usage, time, assessments and queries made by students.
Cost saving
A 30% saving is estimated compared to face-to-face training.
Do you want us to implement
LCMS for your company? Contact with us